Created by Texas Legislation in 2017 - The Southwestern Travis County Groundwater Conservation District (“District”) was created by House Bill 4345, which became effective on September 1, 2017.
Confirmed by Voters in November 2019 - Voters approved the creation of the District in November 2019, giving it the authority to manage and protect groundwater resources in its territory.
District Territory – The District's territory includes a portion of the southwest corner of Travis County and is bound by the Colorado River to the north, to the west by Blanco and Burnet Counties, to the southwest by Hays County, and to the southeast by the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District.
Board of Directors – The District is led by a 7-member Board of Directors, who are elected by residents of the City of Bee Cave, the City of Lakeway, Village of the Hills, and the City of West Lake Hills, as well as by residents in the District’s territory beyond the municipal boundaries of those listed municipalities.
Funding for District Operations – The District's operation and activities are funded by fees. The District does not have the authority to impose property taxes.
The State's Preferred Method of Groundwater Management - The Texas Legislature has clearly provided that GCDs are the state’s preferred method of groundwater management. GCDs conserve, manage, and protect the groundwater resources within the boundaries of the GCDs. GCDs help to ensure there will be groundwater in the future as the population of Texas increases and the demand for groundwater increases.
Representation at GMA 9 Planning Group – The existence of a GCD allows an area to have a vote in the Groundwater Management Area (“GMA”) process. GMA 9 covers a portion of Central Texas and includes all or portions of Blanco, Kendall, Kerr, Bandera, Medina, Bexar, Comal, Hays, and Travis Counties. GMA 9 is currently making important decisions on the future availability of groundwater in Central Texas and these decisions will have long-term effects on the region.
Regulation of Groundwater Exportation – A GCD can regulate the exportation of groundwater from areas within its boundaries. A GCD can make certain the water wells used to export water are properly spaced and do not overproduce to negatively impact the local groundwater resources.
The SW Travis County GCD does not levy taxes and is presently financially supported by grants and donations from individuals and organizations. If you or your organization wishes to make a donation to the operation of this GCD, please make out your check to SW Travis County GCD and mail it to: P.O. Box 340595, Austin, Tx 78734.